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Krishna Boini, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor



M. Pharm., Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh, India 2002;
Ph.D. University of Tuebingen, Germany 2006.  

Research Interest:

Research interests mainly focus on the renal physiology and pathophysiology in mouse models of renal diseases, glucose metabolism, hyepertension and obesity.

Selected Publications:

Boini KM, Nammi S, Grahammer F, Osswald H, Kuhl D, Lang F. Role of serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase SGK1 in glucocorticoid regulation of renal electrolyte excretion and blood pressure. Kidney Blood Press Res. 2008;31(4):280-9.

Boini KM, Graf D, Kuhl D, Häussinger D, Lang F. SGK1 dependence of insulin induced hypokalemia. Pflugers Arch. 2008 Jul 30.

Boini KM, Bhandaru M, Mack A, Lang F. Steroid hormone release as well as renal water and electrolyte excretion of mice expressing PKB/SGK-resistant GSK3. Pflugers Arch. 2008 Sep;456(6):1207-16.

Boini KM, Hennige AM, Huang DY, Friedrich B, Palmada M, Boehmer C, Grahammer F, Artunc F, Ullrich S, Avram D, Osswald H, Wulff P, Kuhl D, Vallon V, Häring HU, Lang F. Serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase 1 mediates salt sensitivity of glucose tolerance.Diabetes. 2006 Jul;55(7):2059-66.

Huang DY, Boini KM, Osswald H, Friedrich B, Artunc F, Ullrich S, Rajamanickam J, Palmada M, Wulff P, Kuhl D, Vallon V, Lang F. Resistance of mice lacking the serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase SGK1 against salt-sensitive hypertension induced by a high-fat diet. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2006 Dec;291(6):F1264-73.